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About Tax Planner Interactive

Tax Planner Interactive covers a range of situations based on the practical experience of providing successful tax planning for clients over a period of more than 40 years. The approach allows you to identify the area where planning is required, collect the relevant facts and identify the solution that applies to the circumstances. Step by step guidance is provided to help you to implement the planning and avoid any traps that would undermine it.

Note that no personal information that could identify an individual is input into the tool and no user input is saved beyond the end of each session.

About the authors

The authors of Tax Planner Interactive are Jeff Davies and Nick Parkes. Both started their careers with the Inland Revenue (now HMRC) and, after a spell with one of the big four accountancy firms, set up their own tax consultancies. They have both written extensively for the major tax/law publishers and continue to maintain a practical edge as a result of their casework.

e-Tax Law Ltd t/a Parkes
Ethos Building
Kings Road
