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Tax Planner Interactive helps practitioners identify the appropriate planning to deal with the most frequently encountered situations where clients:

  • are faced with a change in their circumstances, or
  • simply want to be sure that their affairs are organised in the most tax efficient way

Tax Planner Interactive takes advantage of recognised reliefs in the way that was anticipated by the legislation. It does not use what HMRC regards as 'aggressive tax planning'.

To start your tax planning session select the area where planning is required

The range of situations covered is based on the practical experience of providing successful tax planning for clients over a period of more than 40 years. The approach allows you to identify the area where planning is required, collect the relevant facts and identify the solution that applies to the circumstances. Step by step guidance is provided to help you to implement the planning and avoid any traps that would undermine it.

Tax Planner Interactive is produced and maintained by Parkes exclusively for Bloomsbury Professional. Use of this site consitutes agreement to the terms and conditions